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Virtual Office

Virtual Office help


Electronic Invoicing guide 

Technical Requirements 

User manual ICEX Target USA 

User manual Programa de Inversiones de empresas extranjeras en actividades de I+D (Invest) 

User manual Plan ICEX Localiza 

User manual Programa Innova Invest in Spain 

Manual de usuario Plan ICEX Brexit 

Grant Justification guide 

Technical Requirements 

Public Employment guide 

Technical Requirements 

Accessibility guide 

Technical Requirements 

Secure Verification Code guide 

Technical Requirements 

My Folder guide 

Technical Requirements 


In order to use the services of this Virtual Office your system must meet certain Technical Requirements.

The use of Digital Certificates is the most secure way of guaranteeing the identity of citizens and companies who wish to use the electronic processing services.

In order to process documents electronically via this Virtual Office, you must have a digital certificate recognized by the @Firma platform, which should not be expired or revoked. One of the accepted certificates is the electronic ID Card.

In order to use these certificates, you should enable the execution of digital signature software. All the information is available in this manual. This software is used by many organizations of the government authorities.

You should also have Java installed on your computer. On the Java page you can check online to see if it is installed, which version, and check whether a more recent version can be installed from the same site.

ICEX systems work in real time and the transactions that are carried out are verified and validated, including checking the revocation lists of recognized authorized certification entities.

Information confidentiality is guaranteed as it is encrypted by SSL with the protocol https. Information encryption prevents unauthorized people from accessing the data that is sent. A certificate issued for ICEX by the Royal Mint is used for the encryption, so citizens and companies can be sure that they have actually connected to ICEX. This security certificate guarantees data protection with the latest encryption technology. These strict measures require the use of browsers that support 128-Bit encryption.

For the signature processes, ICEX recognizes the use of standard X.509 certificates issued by recognized certification authorities in accordance with Spanish legislation. 1024-bit RSA protocols are used as systems that enable the digital signing of information, and the SHA-1 protocol is used to generate digital fingerprints (HASH).

If you have any questions please get in contact with the Global Helpdesk of the State Secretariat for Foreign Trade (Tel: (+34) 913 497 100), by email at or by filling out this form.

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